On the Fringe Fitzroy Island, Australia

A tropical land that is on the fringe of the Great Barrier Reef is something that should not be missed if your vacations plans are for Queensland Australia, this beautiful island is called Fitzroy Island.
This tropically beautiful island is just a 60 minute ferry ride from Cairns Australia.
There is a network of walking trials winding through the tropical rainforest that is an experience you will enjoy.
With beaches that look out over the Coral Sea a stroll at sunset might be very nice.
The island was separated from the mainland about 8000 years ago around the end of the ice age.
The Aboriginal tribes hunted and used the beautiful island for recreation. Captain Cook used the Fitzroy Island and the Chinese used it as a Quarantine Station for a considerable time.
This time period is during the Queensland goldfield boom. It has also been used as a Mission School and during WW2 it became a Coastal Watch Station.
Lighthouses have been warning ships in the Grafton Passage of the reefs around the island with a small automatic light on Little Fitzroy Island off the north/east point.
There is a circuit trail that leads to an inactive lighthouse that sits on the point above.
The dominant predators on the island are reptiles. The most prominent are brown and green pythons and monitor lizards.
The Majors skink is the most common and can be seen frequently by tourist as they wonder around the island.
A bite from a python can become infected; but otherwise there are no venomous snakes on the island. There are a few mammals that live there.
Staying on beautiful Fitzroy Island
The resort offer Ocean suites, Resort suites, beach cabins and huts, as well as a 3 bedroom penthouse.
There is a restaurant, large pool and a swim bar, internet café, game room, and Movie Theater.
You can also shop at a small supermarket and wellness center.
Come see everything there is to see on the Fitzroy Island that is on the fringe of the Great Barrier Reef.